Saturday, May 16, 2020

Identification of Major Issues of the Beijing EAP Free Essay Example, 1000 words

In general, Mr. Yang presumably felt he was in control of all the matters concerning the departmental management, leaving Ms. Song in confusion as to what her roles are, including the assignment of duties to Mr. Yang. This prompted Ms. Song to request the CEO to assign training tasks directly to Mr. Yang. The organizational theory of organization behavior explains the need to have a matrix organizational structures that blend the functional and project authorities in an organization. Mr. Yang s training department represents a functional structure in the organization. Meanwhile, Ms. Song being in charge of projects holds a projective office structure. This formation enables the authority of a functional manager to flow downwards to members of his/her department, while the project manager issues authorities to functional managers. This outlines the pattern of hierarchy in the project. A project manager is in charge of conveying messages within an organization concerning the project. In large corporations such as BEC, the project manager should hold the authority of giving orders as per the directions of the project. The flow of information should come from the top management down to the departmental managers through the project managers. We will write a custom essay sample on Identification of Major Issues of the Beijing EAP or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Therefore, Ms. Song should have taken control of communication, giving the necessary guidance to the functional managers. Motivation and leadership is a key function of a project manager in the matrix organizational structure. The project managers should be the person overseeing the limited time of the completion of a project. Normally, functional managers do not notice the ineffectiveness of their departments, and often need a neutral observer to judge the performance of their departments. In the project, therefore, a project manager eliminates the bureaucracy that exists in departments, thereby motivating and challenging the employees towards completing the project upon the set deadline.

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